無我茶會 Sans Self Tea Gathering


書名 : 無我茶會(中英文版)
Sans Self Tea Gathering
作者 : 蔡榮章 Tsai, Rong-Tsang
譯者 : 葉德明 Katharine Yip
出版 : 木言社 Wood Talk Publisher
出版日期 : 2022年09月
ISBN : 9789671806814
裝幀 : 平裝
頁數 : 399頁
語言 : 簡體中文,英文
定價 : RM 60.00
分類 : 飲食文化

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“Sans Self Tea Gathering” is, literally, a new chapter in the research of the Way of Tea.

It bypasses perplexing questions such as ‘What is the Way of Tea? And what is Tea Art?’, ‘Should tea brewing personnel be described as a server or a master of tea?’, or should they be referred to as ‘tea experts’ or ‘tea gurus’ if they are professionals with a rich knowledge of the Way of Tea that they, use in various activities?’ Instead, the author cuts through these conundrums and presents a complete and comprehensive system — his very own work of tea gathering — that leads readers right into the inner substance. This artistic manifestation in the form of tea gathering raises the status of a tea brewing personnel (in this case, the author himself) to that of an artist of the Way of Tea.

An artist of the Way of Tea, or tea artist, is a term impregnated with the author’s insight and aspiration. It seeks to clarify what is the essence of tea, the Way of Tea and the art of it; and in turn, to better equip tea artists with the qualities and efforts required of them.



序:無我茶會的誕生 / 蔡榮章
序:論蔡榮章的《無我茶會》 / 許玉蓮

第一章 無我茶會的基本形式與做法

001. 無我茶會的基本形式
002. 無我茶會特殊做法及七大精神
003. 無我茶會為何非要單邊奉茶不可

第二章 場地問題

004. 室內以什麼場地為宜
005. 室外以什麼場地為宜
006. 一定要在幽靜與風景優美的地方舉辦嗎
007. 下雨怎麼辦
008. 舉辦夜晚無我茶會時,場地需要多亮的公共
009. 地形特殊,無法達成連續性隊形,怎麼辦
010. 在舞台從事示範性表演時的座位排法
011. 作為紀念性無我茶會時,場地如何應變
012. 席地而坐時,一個人的空間需要多少,兩人相隔的距離該多少,座位前面應保留多少活動空間
013. 這個場地能容納多少人
014. 茶會在野外舉行,衛生問題如何克服

第三章 場地的準備

015. 場地規劃圖
016. 座位的標示
017. 號碼牌的排列方向
018. "向心坐"與"背心坐"
019. 場地有外人走動時,怎麼辦
020. 與圍觀群眾的區隔方法
021. 號碼牌的製作
022. 座位標示圖的應用
023. 茶會名稱的標示
024. 音響的設置
025. 解說員與表演者的位置
026. 紀念性無我茶會
027. 座位的控制

第四章 報到時段

028. 抽籤、簽名等報到手續
029. 人多時,如何縮短抽籤與簽名的時間
030. 報到人數的掌握
031. 人數與座位的控制
032. 想讓沒帶茶具的朋友也一起參加茶會,怎麼辦
033. 以無我茶會作為歡迎茶會時怎麼做
034. 帶著幼兒一起參加,應否設置"母子簽",坐折疊椅區者如何抽籤
035. "對時"如何實施
036. 要設"引導人員"嗎
037. 茶會進行間要不要有專人負責臨時發生的事情
038. 缺席的座位號碼牌如何處理
039. 工作人員何時入場
040. 遲到的人怎麼辦
041. 表演者、解說員等的座位安排
042. 因無可奈何的原因使得茶會無法依原定時間進行,如何補救
043. 無我茶會是大家一起參與的茶會

第五章 與會者會前的準備

044. 無我茶會茶具"精儉"的要求
045. 無我茶會的基本道具
046. 無我茶會的"茶具"應注意哪些使用上的功能
047. 如何攜帶茶具才好
048. 保護茶具的包裝器材有何應留意的地方
049. 帶什麼"茶"才好
050. "茶"如何攜帶
051. 泡兩種茶葉時,茶具如何準備
052. 泡茶用水的準備及對保溫瓶的要求
053. 無我茶會就坐的方式
054. 坐墊的功能要求
055. 會前下過雨,或擔心坐在有泥的地方,應增加什麼配備
056. 無我茶會的服裝與鞋子
057. 茶會間安排有茶食享用時,如何準備
058. 無我茶會泡茶法舉例之一:小壺茶法
059. 無我茶會泡茶法舉例之二:蓋碗茶法
060. 無我茶會泡茶法舉例之三:抹茶法
061. 上述泡茶法舉例,為何都沒有提到溫壺、燙杯等動作
062. 無我茶會對"夜晚茶會燈"的要求
063. 參加無我茶會應達成多少目的
064. 如何輕鬆愉快地享受無我茶會
065. 逍遙於茶會的廣場
066. 無我茶會的茶具就是"旅行用茶具"

第六章 就位與聯誼時段

067. 每人的坐墊應如何放置才會整齊
068. 就坐後號碼牌如何處置
069. 杯子正放還是倒扣的好
070. 向圍觀者奉茶時,對外奉茶的杯子要陳列出來嗎
071. 安排有"供應茶食"時,帶來的茶食要不要擺放出來
072. 夜晚無我茶會時,茶會燈放哪兒比較好
073. 戶外風大時怎麼辦
074. 茶會前下過雨,場地潮濕怎麼辦
075. 戶外昆蟲的問題
076. "茶具觀摩與聯誼"何時開始、何時結束、有何替代方案
077. 茶具觀摩的禮節
078. 如何發揮聯誼的效果
079. 如何對圍觀群眾發放"簡介"

第七章 無我茶會的泡茶與奉茶

080. 無我茶會使用"簡便泡茶法"
081. 何時開始泡茶、何時開始奉茶
082. 第一道如何奉茶,杯子放在哪裡
083. 奉茶時,杯子由誰拿取,無法蹲下的人如何奉茶,走動不便的人如何奉茶,盲友的茶會如何應變
084. 第二道以後如何奉茶
085. 奉茶時要不要說"請喝茶",被奉者要不要說"謝謝"
086. 奉茶一定要依前後的次序嗎
087. 奉茶時從座位的哪一邊出去
088. 奉茶時遇"空位"及"未泡茶的品茗後活動演出者",怎麼辦
089. 若許多位"品茗後活動"的演出人員未能一起泡茶,如何讓他們有茶喝
090. 若設有解說員,如何奉茶給他
091. 如何奉茶給圍觀的人
092. 泡茶杯數與泡茶次數如何決定
093. 泡兩種茶時,如何操作
094. 泡茶用水不足時,如何補充
095. 茶會間若安排有茶食享用,如何進行
096. 茶會沒安排供應茶食,可因自己泡抹茶而提供茶食嗎
097. 紀念性無我茶會等特種場合的奉茶法
098. 對圍觀者的詢問及要求,如何回應
099. 奉茶間的禮節
100. 什麼時候開始喝茶,從哪一杯開始喝
101. 喝茶時應快快地喝還是慢慢地喝
102. 茶葉浸泡期間,做什麼才好
103. 泡茶進度超前或落後時,有何調節的方法
104. 如何避免攝錄像破壞氣氛
105. 無好惡之心的真諦

第八章 品茗後活動與收拾

106. 何謂"品茗後活動",如何進行,與"會後活動"有何不同
107. 品茗後活動如何與演出者協商
108. 品茗後活動要不要設置表演台
109. 泡完茶,要不要當場清理茶具
110. 如何預防收拾茶具後,壺盅的殘水外流
111. 收拾茶具前之擦杯動作,意義何在
112. 何時開始擦拭自己用過的杯子
113. 收杯禮節
114. 茶具如何收拾
115. 泡茶結束後還剩有茶湯怎麼辦
116. 個人泡茶位子的複原
117. 茶會如何結束
118. 公共設施的收拾
119. 茶會後全體合影
120. 有些"人"或"事"需要特別感謝或說明時,怎麼辦
121. 無我茶會表現的茶道藝術

第九章 茶會進行間

122. 奉茶方法發生了錯誤怎麼辦
123. 別人奉給您的茶少了一杯,怎麼辦
124. 所泡的茶倒不完怎麼辦
125. 遇到自己喝不下的茶怎麼辦
126. 不愛喝茶,或今天不能喝茶,但又喜歡參加茶會,怎麼辦
127. 奉茶時,發現自己的前一杯茶尚未被喝掉,怎麼辦
128. 收杯時,遇到剩有茶湯怎麼辦
129. 茶沒泡好,可以做些補救措施嗎
130. 泡茶時發現水量或泡出的湯量明顯不足,有何應變方法
131. 可以倒一杯給反方向的芳鄰嗎
132. 杯子的衛生問題
133. 不知道喝的是什麼茶,可以問嗎,可以讚美他嗎
134. 最後一道茶奉完,可以走到景仰的人那兒要杯茶喝嗎
135. 會後可以與別人交換茶具作紀念嗎
136. 茶會結束後可以再約些人原地繼續泡茶嗎
137. 無我茶會可以使用非茶的飲料嗎
138. 無我茶會錯誤最多的地方
139. 無我茶會的"自由"與"法制"

第十章 主辦單位的會前準備

140. 舉辦無我茶會的時機
141. 如何訂定無我茶會的名稱
142. 勘察場地
143. 有哪些工作需要專人負責
144. 誰是無我茶會的工作人員
145. "公告事項"的製作
146. "會前說明會"的舉辦
147. "工作檢查表"的應用
148. 茶會記錄
149. 如何掌握參加的人數
150. 無我茶會的各項進度需要多少時間
151. 參加無我茶會的人,應如何識別
152. 無我茶會要義圖

第十一章 茶會的推廣

153. 無我茶會推廣工作如何進行
154. 將無我茶會列入茶道教育課程
155. 四學分的無我茶會課程安排
156. 無我茶會又為茶道加了藩籬嗎
157. 無我茶會道場的設置
158. 無我茶會茶具完整性的重要
159. 無我茶會的機動性與擴充性
160. 如何使無我茶會的風格與特性突顯出來
161. 無我茶會是隨意還是嚴謹
162. 無我茶會為什麼不設貴賓席與長官致詞的時間
163. 無我茶會進行間為什麼不放音樂
164. "品茗後活動"演出人員最好也是參加無我茶會的人
165. 推廣性無我茶會的舉辦
166. 無我茶會在其他場合的應用
167. 無我茶會的英、日、韓譯
168. 什麼是無我茶會的國際組織
169. 無我茶會需要統一的會旗與會歌嗎
170. 無我茶會的傳播
171. 無我茶會的字面意義是什麼
172. 無我茶會不只是一種茶會形式
173. 製茶泡茶喝茶都在無何有之鄉
174. 一人到千萬人的無我茶會
175. 無我茶會的四美
176. 無我茶會是要求精緻的一種茶道體系
177. 無我茶會有用嗎?
178. 無我茶會對個人與群體的影響

第十二章 無我茶會簡史

179. 無我茶會的創辦
180. 無我茶會的出生背景
181. 為什麼有無我茶會的誕生
182. 從獨飲到無我茶會
183. 第一次無我茶會的舉辦
184. 第一次公開舉辦的無我茶會
185. 第一次國際無我茶會
186. 無我茶會專書的出版
187. 第一座無我茶會紀念碑在武夷山
188. 從"無我茶會推廣委員會"到"國際無我茶會推廣協會"
189. 無我茶會大事記(1989~2022)

第十三章 對外解說稿

190. 無我茶會解說稿
跋 ∕ 無我茶會的理想國



Preface / The Birth of Sans Self Tea Gathering by Tsai, Rong-Tsang
Foreword / On Tsai, Rong-Tsang’s ‘Sans Self Tea Gathering’ by Hooi Yoke Lien

Chapter 1: The Basic Feature and Procedure of Sans Self Tea Gathering
001. The Basic Format of a Sans Self Tea Gathering
002. Unique Features and the Seven Principles
003. Why is tea served in one direction at a Sans Self Tea Gathering?

Chapter 2: The Principles for Venue Setup
004. What kind of indoor venue is appropriate?
005. What makes an ideal outdoor venue?
006. Is it necessary to choose a quiet and scenic place?
007. What if it rains?
008. How bright should the lighting be for a Sans Self Tea Gathering held in the evening?
009. What should we do if, owing to the particular conditions and terrain of the venue, we cannot form a continuous loop?
010. What is the best seating arrangement for a tea demonstration on stage?
011. When hosting a Sans Self Tea Gathering for memorial purposes, what are the items to be adjusted?
012. How much space is needed for a person sitting on the floor? What is the distance between two people? And how much space should be reserved in front of each person to ensure a free flow of traffic?
013. How many people can this venue accommodate?
014. When organising a Sans Self Tea Gathering in the countryside, the absence of public conveniences could be an issue. Is there any way to overcome this?

Chapter 3: Venue Preparation
015. Creating the Venue Layout Plan
016. Marking the Seats
017. The Direction for the Placement of Number Plates
018. Forward-facing or rear-facing?
019. What if a tea gathering is held in public, and there are people passing by?
020. Ways to separate participants from onlookers
021. Making number plates
022. The use of a Seating Plan
023. How to display the name of the Tea Gathering
024. Setting up Audio Equipment
025. Positions of the Presenter and Performers
026. A Commemorative Sans Self Tea Gathering
027. How to control seating arrangement

Chapter 4: Signing in, Drawing of Lots and Taking one’s Seat
028. Signing-in Procedure: drawing of lots, registry signing and others
029. Shortening the drawing and signing-in processes in the event of a large attendance
030. Handling participants signing in upon arrival
031. Controlling the number of participants and seat arrangement
032 What if I want to bring along some friends who have not prepared any tea ware?
033. What if it is a Sans Self Tea Gathering held for the purpose of welcoming someone?
034. Is there a need for connecting lots in the event that some participants come with their young children? How about those who have difficulty squatting or sitting on the floor?
035. How to ensure time synchronising
036. Should there be any facilitators?
037. Should there be personnel assigned to deal with unforeseen circumstances?
038. How to deal with number plates of absentees
039. When should members of the organising team be seated at the tea gathering?
040. What would happen to latecomers?
041. Seating arrangement for the presenter and performers
042. If for reasons beyond our control, the tea gathering cannot be held as scheduled, what remedial measures can be taken?
043. Sans Self Tea Gatherings require full participation of all

Chapter 5: Pre-event Preparation for Sans Self Tea Gathering
044. ‘Simplicity and Frugality’: the principle behind the use of tea ware for a Sans Self Tea Gathering
045. The basic items of tea ware for Sans Self Tea Gathering
046. Some practical tips about the tea ware for a Sans Self Tea Gathering
047. What is the best way to pack your tea ware when you are travelling?
048. Things to note about the protective/wrapping materials for the tea ware
049. Which tea should I bring?
050. How should the tea be packed?
051. How to prepare the tea ware if two types of tea are to be brewed?
052. Preparing water for brewing and the choice of thermal flask
053. Sitting posture at a Sans Self Tea Gathering
054. Some practical tips about the seating mat
055. What should we bring along in addition, if it rains before the tea gathering or the ground is sandy/muddy?
056. Attire and shoes for Sans Self Tea Gathering
057. What kind of preparation is required for a tea gathering that calls for tea time snacks?
058. An example of tea brewing at a Sans Self Tea Gathering: Small Teapot Brewing
059. An example of tea brewing at a Sans Self Tea Gathering: Lidded Cup Brewing
060. An example of tea brewing at a Sans Self Tea Gathering: Powdered Tea Brewing
061. There is no pot warming or cup warming in the description of the methods above. Why?
062. Lighting requirement for an evening Sans Self Tea Gathering
063. What is to be achieved with a Sans Self Tea Gathering?
064. How to enjoy Sans Self Tea Gathering in a relaxed manner
065. Feeling free and easy at the Tea Gathering
066. Choose tea ware that travels well for Sans Self Tea Gathering

Chapter 6: Taking your seat and Tea ware Appreciation
067. How can we ensure the seating mats are neatly aligned?
068. How should we handle the number plate?
069. Should the cups be placed right side up or upside down?
070. If tea is to be served to onlookers, should the extra cups be displayed?
071. Should the snack be displayed if the tea gathering calls for tea time snacks?
072. For Sans Self Tea Gathering taking place in the evening, where should the lights be placed?
073. What should we do if there is strong wind outdoors?
074. What should we do if the venue is rain-soaked?
075. Issues with insects for outdoor tea gatherings
076. Tea ware Appreciation and Networking session: When to begin, when to end and what are the alternatives?
077. Etiquette during tea ware appreciation
078. How to optimise the impact of networking
079. How to distribute backgrounder to members of the public at the venue

Chapter 7: Guidelines for brewing, serving and taking tea
080. Adopting the simple brewing method for Sans Self Tea Gathering
081. When should we begin brewing and serving?
082. How should one serve the first brew? Where should we place the cups?
083. When offering tea, who should be taking the cups? For the mobility-challenged, vision-impaired and those with
difficulty squatting, what special arrangements can be made?
084. How is tea served after the second round of brewing?
085. Should we say ‘Have tea, please’ when serving and ‘Thank you’ when being served?
086. Is it necessary to follow the seat order when serving?
087. From which side should we rise and proceed to serve tea?
088. What should we do if we come across a vacant seat or a non-brewing after-tea activities performer?
089. For performers who are responsible for after-tea activities and will be unable to participate in brewing, how should we arrange tea for them?
090. If there is a presenter at the Sans Self Tea Gathering, how should we arrange tea for him?
091. How should we offer tea to members of the public?
092. How to decide the number of cups and brews
093. How should we proceed when we are required to brew two types of tea?
094. How do we replenish water for brewing should we run out of it?
095. If tea time snacks are to be shared during the tea gathering, how should we go about?
096. May I bring along tea snacks to go with matcha even if the particular Sans Self Tea Gathering does not call for serving of tea snacks?
097. How should tea be served at a Sans Self Tea Gathering dedicated to a special occasion?
098. How should we respond to the enquiries or requests of onlookers?
099. Etiquette during tea serving
100. When do we start taking tea? Which cup should we take first?
101. At a Sans Self Tea Gathering, is tea to be taken swiftly or slowly?
102. What should we do when the tea leaves are steeping?
103. How to adjust the pace of tea brewing if one has gone too far ahead or lagged behind
104. How could we prevent photography and filming from spoiling the ambience?
105. The true meaning of setting aside personal preference

Chapter 8: Etiquette for After-tea Activities and Packing
106. What are after-tea activities? And what is the difference between after-tea activities and post-event activities?
107. How to coordinate after-tea activities with the performers
108. No stage is required for after-tea activities
109. Is it necessary to wash the tea ware after brewing?
110. How to prevent water seeping through the teapot or lidded cup after tea ware is packed
111. Why should we wipe the teacups before packing?
112. When should we start wiping the cups we have drunk from?
113. Etiquette for cup collection
114. In what manner should we pack the tea ware?
115. What should we do with the tea infusion left behind when brewing is over?
116. Getting the place back to its original state
117. How does the tea gathering end?
118. Packing event items
119. Group photo session at the end of the Tea Gathering
120. What should we do if there are people and matters that need to be acknowledged or addressed?
121. The artistic manifestation of the Way of Tea as expressed by a Sans Self Tea Gathering

Chapter 9: During a Sans Self Tea Gathering
122. How do we remedy the situation if an error occurs when tea is served?
123. What if you are served one cup less?
124. What if I can’t finish pouring the tea I have brewed and there is some left behind?
125. What should I do if the tea infusion is too hard to stomach?
126. What should I do if I love attending tea gatherings but am not a fan of tea or am unable to take tea on the day?
127. What should I do if the previous cup served has not been taken when I am about to serve the current brew?
128. What if there is still tea infusion in the cup when I come to collect it?
129. Is there anything I can do if the tea is not brewed to perfection?
130. What should I do if I don’t have enough water for brewing, or there is clearly too little tea infusion?
131. May I offer a cup to my neighbour in the opposite direction?
132. Concerns about hygiene for teacups
133. Can we ask what type of tea is being served? Is it acceptable to commend someone for a good brew?
134. After offering the last brew, would it be possible for me to approach a tea guru I revere for his brew?
135. Is it acceptable to exchange tea ware with fellow participants at the end of the tea gathering?
136. Is it permissible to ask a few friends to stay back for more brews when the tea gathering is over?
137. Is beverage other than tea allowed during Sans Self Tea Gatherings?
138. The question on Sans Self Tea Gathering with the most wrong answers
139. Balancing the concepts of freedom and confinement at a Sans Self Tea Gathering

Chapter 10: Pre-event Preparation by the Organiser
140. The opportune time for a Sans Self Tea Gathering
141. How should we name a Sans Self Tea Gathering?
142. Reconnaissance
143. Which tasks are to be handled by specific personnel?
144. Who are the members of the Organising Committees?
145. Preparing the Notification
146. Hosting pre-event briefings
147. The use of Task Checklist
148. Record of the Tea Gathering
149. How to control the number of participants?
150. How much time should be allocated to each step of the procedure?
151. How to identify participants of a Sans Self Tea Gathering
152. Sans Self Tea Gathering at a glance

Chapter 11: Promoting Sans Self Tea Gathering and its Meaning
153. How should we promote Sans Self Tea Gathering?
154. Incorporating Sans Self Tea Gathering into the curriculum of courses on the Way of Tea
155. The four-credit unit Sans Self Tea Gathering course
156. Do Sans Self Tea Gatherings add yet another barrier to the Way of Tea?
157. Setting up Sans Self Tea Gathering Community Centres
158. The importance of a complete set of tea ware to Sans Self Tea Gathering
159. Flexibility and reach of Sans Self Tea Gathering
160. How could we highlight the style and characteristics of Sans Self Tea Gathering?
161. Is Sans Self Tea Gathering a freewheeling or a disciplined occasion?
162. Why are there no arrangements for VIP seating and speech of attending officials?
163. Why don’t we have background music during a Sans Self Tea Gathering?
164. After-tea activities would best be carried out by participants
165. Organising a promotional Sans Self Tea Gathering
166. Application of Sans Self Tea Gatherings
167. Translation of ‘Sans Self Tea Gathering’ into English, Japanese and Korean
168. What is the International Sans Self Tea Gathering Organisation?
169. Is there a need for an official flag and anthem for the Sans Self Tea Gathering?
170. The propagation of Sans Self Tea Gathering
171. What is the meaning behind Sans Self Tea Gathering?
172. Sans Self Tea Gathering is more than a form of tea gathering
173. The Land of Nothingness: where tea is produced, brewed and taken
174. Sans Self Tea Gathering for one to thousands and millions of participants
175. The four kinds of beauty of a Sans Self Tea Gathering
176. Sans Self Tea Gathering is a system of refinement
177. Does Sans Self Tea Gathering serve a purpose?
178. The impact of Sans Self Tea Gathering on the individuals and the masses

Chapter 12: A Brief History of Sans Self Tea Gathering
179. The Origin of Sans Self Tea Gathering
180. The background against which Sans Self Tea Gathering was born
181. What led to the birth of Sans Self Tea Gathering?
182. From tea-for-one to Sans Self Tea Gathering
183. The first Sans Self Tea Gathering
184. The first Sans Self Tea Gathering in public
185. The first International Sans Self Tea Gathering
186. Publications on Sans Self Tea Gathering
187. The first Sans Self Tea Gathering monument at the Wuyi Mountain
188. From Sans Self Tea Gathering Promotion Committee to Chinese International Sans Self Tea Gathering Promotion Association
189. Milestones of Sans Self Tea Gathering (1989–2022)

Chapter 13: The Presenter’s Script for Sans Self Tea Gathering
190. The Presenter’s Script for Sans Self Tea Gathering
Afterword / The Utopia of Sans Self Tea Gathering
About Tsai, Rong-Tsang


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